ELEVATE - 20 & 21 March 2024 - Call for papers

ELEVATE is a global online gathering for translation professionals to address industry challenges, attend presentations, and explore cutting-edge translation technology – empowering freelancers, language service providers, and corporations to translate everything.

The event’s diverse sessions cater to professionals at every stage of their careers, covering industry trends such as the emergence and rise of AI, product innovations and technical topics led by experts. Attendees leave with valuable insights, practical takeaways, and a refreshed perspective.

If you missed our last ELEVATE in May 2023, you can view all the sessions on-demand.


Reasons to present at ELEVATE

Trados Team

Übersetzungsmanagement für Teams, die Projekte schneller und professioneller in der Cloud verwalten möchten.

Establish connections and engage in networking with your peers

Globe circles

ELEVATE 2023 attracted 4,000+ translation professionals from 100+ countries

We are inviting individuals and companies to share an inspiring, thought-provoking 20-minute presentation or case study at ELEVATE 2024.

In addition, we would be happy to receive any proposals demonstrating how Trados has helped drive translator productivity, supported collaboration between translation stakeholders or facilitated the management of your translation projects.

We also encourage you to share this call for papers with your colleagues and peers who may be interested in participating.

Presentation requirements

  • Choose a short, catchy title that reflects the session content
  • Provide a detailed, clear yet short synopsis - no more than 250 words
  • If you propose a case study, we are looking for one that includes Trados, ideas that can be implemented, and describes solving a business problem or challenge
  • Avoid a sales pitch
  • If you are a Trados partner, include a customer to co-present with you

Key dates

  • Call for papers closes: 12 January 2024
  • Notification of accepted speakers: 19 January 2024
  • Deadline for speaker information: 26 January 2024
  • Rough draft of presentation due: 16 February 2024
  • Final presentation due: 8 March 2024
  • ELEVATE: 20 and 21 March 2024

Submit your proposal for ELEVATE

Please complete the form below with details of your proposal (no more than 250 words), which should be for a 20-minute session delivered in English, before 12 January 2024.

If your proposal is accepted*, your session at ELEVATE will provide you and your organization with valuable exposure and recognition within the Trados community and wider translation industry.

* We retain the flexibility to collaborate with you in customizing your session to align with the event theme. Limited spots are open for ELEVATE sessions on 20 and 21 March. Any extra sessions proposed and accepted through this Call for Papers will be accessible for on-demand viewing after the event.