About us:
VITTORIA SCHOOL for Language Mediators (SSML) is part of a Turin learning centre for ‘Excellence in Foreign Languages' which offers a wide range of taught courses. Since 2003 our school has been recognized by the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) as a SCUOLA SUPERIORE PER MEDIATORI LINGUISTICI: that is to say, a UNIVERSITY LEVEL INSTITUTE OFFERING DEGREE COURSES IN LANGUAGE STUDIES AND MEDIATION.
Courses offered:
- Oral and Written Mediation (Interpretation/Translation)
- First Foreign Language (EN)
- Second Foreign Language (FR/DE/ES/RU)
- Linguistics
- Applied Linguistics
- Text Analyses
- 3rd Foreign Language (Arabic/Russian/Portuguese)
- Law and legal Language
- Economics and economic Language
- Computer Science
- Laboratory of Simultaneous Interpretation