LearnUpon localizes its user interface into nine new languages in three months
LearnUpon drives international expansion and improves customer satisfaction with fast-turnaround, high-quality language services.

Company size:
260 employees and 1,300 customers
Company region:
LearnUpon is a leading learning management system provider, operating internationally in multiple languages. To satisfy increasing global demand, their strategy is to add three to four new platform languages a year.
But this was proving a major challenge under their existing translation arrangements. Lengthy translation times and linguistic quality issues were putting both expansion plans and customer trust at risk.
LearnUpon concluded that they needed a new translation provider – one that would work closely with them as a partner and advisor, supporting their ambitious growth goals.

“My advice to others would be to look for a translation partner, not a translation company. We’ve built a strong bond with RWS and they’re playing an active role in helping us grow our business. That’s what you want in a translation vendor.”
- Reduce translation turnaround times
- Improve translation quality
- Reduce wait time for quotes
- Implement efficient, tech-enabled translation management
- Trados Enterprise
- RWS Translation Services
- 9 new localizations of the user interface in just 3 months
- Increased customer satisfaction with translation quality
- Localization project quotes available instantly via Trados Enterprise
- Translation management processes streamlined